The ACADC "CDAAC" Credential is Theocentric The CDAAC is a Certificate of Excellence in Christian Addiction Counseling The Best Solution with a Biblical World View!

Welcome to ACADC!

The Association of Christian Alcohol & Drug Counselors was established as a 501C3 non-profit corporation in 2002 with the purpose of training and certifying Drug, Alcohol & Addictions Counselors in accordance with Biblical Christian principles.

ACADC Institute Introduces the Best of Both Worlds!

Have you ever desired to be a drug & alcohol counselor but want to stay true to your Christian beliefs?
Be professional without compromise!

Introducing Our All New Dual Credential - the ACADC "CDAAC" & the CADTP "SUDCC"

  • Become a Christian drug, alcohol & addiction counselor (CDAAC).
  • Become a State-certified drug, alcohol & addiction counselor.  ACADC is working in conjunction with CADTP, the California Association of DUI Treatment Programs to offer the SUDCC credential.
ACADC is a proud CEU provider for CADTP, NAADAC and Breining Institute.

Biblically-based, Spirit-led Classes Are Being Offered Year-round, Start Anytime!

Better Education, Greater Opportunities

ACADC Offers Various Educational Opportunities
For Ministry & Clinical Ministry Certificates

The CDAAC & SUDCC credentials are Accredited certificates of excellence

ACADC is an approved CEU provider for CADTP, NAADAC & Breining Credentials.

The CDAAC “Christian Drug, Alcohol and Addictions Counseling” is a certificate of excellence acknowledging that the holder has met the academic, practicum and ethical requirements for Christian Drug, Alcohol and Addictions Counseling.  The CDAAC education material was accredited by ICE, the Institute for Credentialing Excellence.
Call (714) 612.7197 to find a training site near you...

Compliant With Tap 21 Counselor Training Guidelines

ACADCI College of Addiction & Biblical Studies offers tracks to Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Programs in Addiction & Biblical Studies. The education and training includes the necessary clinical tools equipping counselors, pastors and chaplains to properly assist those struggling with physiological, psychological and spiritual challenges.  ACADC also offers continuing education "CEH" for Breining Institute, NAADC and CADTP.


  • Complete the Clinical Academic Requirement (315 hours) for The CDAAC - Christian Drug, Alcohol & Addictions Counselor In As Little As 6 Months and Receive a Passing Score on the CDAAC Exam.
  • Complete The Required Intern Hours.

How Do Faith-based Recovery Outcomes Compare With Disease Model Recovery Outcomes?

Mission & Resources overview

  • The Mission

    To teach evidence-based Truth about what brings about the highest recovery outcomes. To train and equip counselors and addiction professionals with time-tested knowledge,attitudes and skills proven to overcome addictions and change lives.

  • CEU's Now Available
    Please Contact ACADC Online Administrator

    Tel: (909) 918-0044

We aim to provide students with an excellent education

For counselors who desire to understand addiction counseling from a biblically consistent worldview



(818) 448-4149

For International Masters &
Doctorate program
please contact

Dr Chong
Tel: 01056164149